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영상명Is Qualitative Growth Enough for North Korea’s Trade?
  • 발행기관 한국개발연구원
  • 영상구분 영상보고서
  • 공공누리유형
  • 등록일
  • 표준분류체계 국제통상 및 외교안보> 남북관계·북한·통일
  • 키워드 #North Korea's trade structure#Anthracite#Dependency on China#Human capital#Physical capital#Industrial competitiveness#International sanctions on North Korea
  • Despite international sanctions, North Korea’s trade has exhibited quantitative growth. However, the sanctions have also limited North Korea’s trade partners to China. The surging demand for anthracite in China has skewed North Korea’s trade structure, leaving it vulnerable to external shocks and possibly distorting the allocation of resources and diminishing the capital investment in other industries. In response, the South Korean government must make efforts to seek new measures for economic cooperation to encourage North Korea to foster other industries that have comparative advantage. In addition, assistance must be made available to enable North Korea to establish a balanced trade structure by diversifying its trade partners and trade portfolio. Related Report: KDI FOCUS No. 93, eng. 'The Quantitative Growth in North Korea's Trade : Is it Enough?' http://www.kdi.re.kr/kdi_eng/publications/publication_view.jsp?pub_no=15839

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