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보고서명Technology and Technical Barriers to Trade in a Vertically Differentiated Market 보고서명(영문)Technology and Technical Barriers to Trade in a Vertically Differentiated Market
  • 책임자 Han Eol Ryu
  • 소속기관산업연구원
  • 내부연구참여자Yeolyong Sung
  • 외부연구참여자
  • 발행기관 산업연구원
  • ISBN979-11-88964-78-9
  • 출판년도2018
  • 페이지54
  • 보고서유형 수시연구보고서
  • 연구유형 기타
  • 표준분류 산업 > 산업일반
  • 자료유형연구보고서
  • 공공누리유형 4유형 (출처표시+상업적이용금지+변경금지)
  • 주제어Technology, Technical Barriers to Trade, Vertically Differentiated Market
  • This paper analyzes the economic effects of TBT under the existence of technological asymmetry between countries. It first defines TBTs and shows the current status and evolution of TBTs using descriptive measures. In addition, the paper also compares the technology levels of Korea to those of other countries by referencing the related literature. Next, the paper establishes a theoretical model and analyzes the economic effects of TBTs where technological asymmetry exists between trading partners. It finds the optimal TBT levels of a technologically advanced country and makes some policy suggestions to help a technologically less advanced country cope with those TBTs.

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