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보고서명White Paper on Human Rights in North Korea 2018 보고서명(영문)White Paper on Human Rights in North Korea 2018
  • PartⅠ
    Purpose and Research Methodology
    The Korea Institute for National Unification has published the White Paper on Human Rights in North Korea since 1996 to raise awareness on North Korean human rights issues at home and abroad, and provide basic materials by objectively surveying and analyzing the North Korean human rights situation. The White Paper on Human Rights in North Korea 2018 incorporates information from in-depth interviews with 137 North Korean defectors who entered South Korea in 2017. These interviewees were selected with consideration to their demographic and social backgrounds. This White Paper looks into human rights situations in the North in the following parts: the Reality of Civil and Political Rights, the Reality of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Vulnerable Groups, and Major Issues.

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