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보고서명효율적인 내륙항 개발의 법적·제도적 기반구축을 위한 국제협력사업 보고서명(영문)Establishing Legal and Institutional Basis for Efficient Dry Ports Development in East Asia
  • Preface

    The economic development of South East Asian regions is expected to be steadily progressed in the future. In this reason, timely development of logistics infrastructure is considered to be essential to support sustainable economic development. It is why importance of the dry port has been recognized in Myanmar, Lao People’s Democratic Republic and Cambodia where potential economic growth will be promised. Demand for dry port development is expected to grow with Asian Highway and Trans Asia Railway projects led by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN-ESCAP).

    Since its establishment in 1986, the Korea Transport Institute (KOTI), the nation’s prominent think tank in transport and logistics in Korea, has been conducting numerous studies, including national transportation and logistics master plans for both nationwide and metropolitan areas. Recently it has focused on conducting global transportation and logistics research projects in order to contribute its competences to developing countries.

    In this context, KOTI suggested collaborative research on legal and institutional framework for dry port development with the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS) based on year-long cooperation between two institutes. Utilizing EAST’s extensive regional expert network, three countries in South East Asia - Myanmar, Lao People’s Democratic Republic and Cambodia were selected for case studies. Due to differentiation in legal and institutional development of each country, it is barely possible to secure detailed legal and institutional contents from each country in South East Asia. Nevertheless, it is regarded to be worthwhile observing the current situations of each country as a meaningful foundation for future cooperation. We hope this report to be used as a basic reference for further studies in the South East Asia region.

    Finally, we sincerely appreciate the works of Dr. Naohisa Okamoto, a professor at University of Tsukuba and secretary general of EASTS and Dr. Choongyeol Ye at KOTI for coordinating this cooperative research and contributing in preparing this report.

    <이하 원문 확인>

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